Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Getting Organized

My husband and I had decided that we wanted to better teach our 2 year old son, Kyler, his colors, shapes, numbers, and letters.  Since I love teaching, I decided that I first needed a plan of how to do it and then get organized before I started.  Here is what I did.

I really liked the idea of flashcards for the basis of my teaching.  Using card stock, crayons, and magic marker I created flashcards for all the things that I want to teach him.

As I was making the flashcard, I came up with a schedule of how I will teach him something each day.  Each week, we will focus on one flashcard in each of the categories.  I hung the schedule and this week's flashcard in a place where we will see them alot--above the kitchen table.  Every Friday, we will review all the things we have talked about up to that point.

The goal is that "school" as my son and I call it, will be around 15 minutes long.  Two years olds don't have long attention spans, so I plan on having a short "lesson" for each category each day.